Our last week in
Johannesburg, or “Jo’burg” as residents call it, has taught us all a lesson in the strength and power of forgiveness. We visited the Hector Pieterson Memorial in
Soweto, walking across the very spot where the young Hector Pieterson died of gunshot wounds during a police raid in
Soweto. This monument marked the spot where dozens upon dozens of school children fled for their lives during an uprising; many were gunned down due to the evils of apartheid. It is truly amazing to think that merely thirteen years ago,
South Africa triumphed over the system of apartheid.
Among all the trials and tribulations during these tumultuous years, the people of South Africa have somehow found the strength and dignity to forgive their enemies for the innumerable evils committed. The city of Jo’burg has allowed each one of us to fully experience the acceptance and genuine brotherhood of the people of South Africa. This acceptance of all people is a testament to the strength and dignity of the South African nation, proving that good will always triumph over systems of evil.
It has been an absolute pleasure and honor to participate in the Pedagogy of Action program. We are consistently reminded that we as instructors are the greatest beneficiaries of this program; our final week in Jo’burg has proved this statement to be true. This vibrant city has presented South Africa in a completely different light; it is a nation full of hopes, dreams, possibility, and stamina. I look forward to the further development of the city as well as the country. I will remain thankful to the Pedagogy of Action program for allowing me the opportunity to share and grow overseas for a long time to come.
Signing off,
Erika Purcell-Williams
Pedagogy of Action 2007 Team Member